

Routine Maintenance: An effective pest management plan relies on a service schedule that's consistent. Whether your home is serviced on a monthly or a quarterly basis, our Pest Management Professionals are able to inspect, detect, and correct!

Exclusionary Work: Excluding mice from entering your home is a key to maintaining a pest free environment. If our PMP's can see it, we can seal it! By eliminating vulnerabilities and entry points, you'll quickly see a noticeable reduction in rodent pest pressure.

Insulation Cleanouts: When mice infest your home, they quickly seek nesting material, which keeps them warm and protected, while reproducing quickly. The result is often attic and basement insulation that's been contaminated with rodent waste. Needless to say, this source of odor causing bacteria should not be in your home. The Burgess Team removes, sanitizes, and re-insulates these areas. 


*5% off applies to new customers who prepay for these three service. Expires Dec. 31, 2017. Terms and conditions are subject to change.